Soul Parts Coaching

Who Benefits from Soul Parts Coaching? Soul Parts Coaching is ideal for individuals seeking purpose and meaning in their lives. After having a breakthroughs and new insights in their first session they want to integrate the lessons learned and apply this new knowledge into their current lives.

On your first session the goal was to learn how to navigate this new unconscious map. Now that you understand how your unconscious mind works the aim is to build on this foundation and go deeper and reclaim your spiritual independence.

How Many Sessions Do I Need? For some 1 coaching session is all that is needed to understand the process, however I find that 3-4 spread out over a 30-60 day span can really establish a solid framework for this process to stick. It really depends on the individual and their spiritual goals.

How It Differs from Traditional Coaching What sets this coaching apart is the use of hypnotic trance to establish a connection with your inner guides and the unconscious realm. This process not only helps in navigating your soul's map but also ensures a long-term engagement with your spiritual guides, making the experience uniquely transformative. You will also learn Self Hypnotic techinque’s which you can use on your own.

What to Expect in a Session

  • Upgrade Your Unconscious: Learn to navigate and transform the dreamlike landscape of your unconscious mind. By understanding and enhancing this environment, you effect change in your conscious reality, akin to upgrading your mind and soul's software.

  • Re-Establish you Team of Guides: Connect again with your spiritual guides who will support you daily. You'll learn a distinctive communication method to access their wisdom regularly, empowering you to embody your true self and take charge of your destiny.

  • Communicate with your Parts: Delve into your psyche and connect with various parts of your self to become whole and complete. Discover the courage to heal your negative emotions, habits and fears.

  • Explore the Unconscious: Delve into past lifetimes to uncover necessary insights or heal old wounds. Discover new sources of power, healing, and knowledge. Reconnect with departed loved ones or understand aspects of yourself that influence your current life. You can find lost soul parts that need help, remove negative energy, discover other dimensions and planets. The list goes on, but the main objective is to take what you learn and apply it in your current life.

    • This is not a means to check out but check in with your life and souls purpose.

The Ultimate Goal The coaching journey teaches you to navigate both the conscious and unconscious worlds seamlessly. As you master this process, transitioning between these states becomes effortless, leading to a point where deep trance is unnecessary for engaging with your guides.

By connecting with your True Self and allow for this new Identity to emerge within you. By accessing this new reality you begin to operate from a new vantage point with clear insight and purpose.

About the Sessions

In Person Session: Las Vegas

Each Soul Parts Coaching session lasts around 90min.

Session Cost $150

Soul Parts Coaching Package - $450 ( Buy 3 get 4th Free)

Online Coaching

I also do sessions via zoom. If you would like to do a Zoom session please message me


The Essence of Soul Parts Coaching

The core of this approach lies in connecting you with your guides and your True Self at the outset.

Our sessions are designed to be exceptionally fluid, adapting to wherever your soul feels called to venture next. Perhaps we'll explore a past life, reconnect with a lost aspect of your childhood, or embark on a quest for new power and wisdom.

The beauty of this journey is in its boundlessness—guided by a clear intention yet open to the spontaneous winds of discovery. You're not just drifting aimlessly; you're navigating with purpose, equipped with a map and the support of powerful allies.

Our work together in Soul Parts Coaching is akin to charting the unknown with a sense of adventure and the reassurance of having a plan and allies by your side. It’s a journey that promises not just self-discovery but the integration of these discoveries into a life lived with purpose and authenticity.

I'm excited to continue this voyage with you, guiding and supporting you as you navigate the fluid and expansive realms of your inner world, shaping a reality that truly reflects your essence and aspirations.

Soul Parts



Imagine yourself as a composite of various "selves" or aspects, each playing a role on a team. Some are well-acquainted, others prefer solitude, a few are constantly active, several are content, and a handful may be facing difficulties. Usually, only one part is in charge at a time, connected to the part of the brain that helps us make decisions and control actions.

These aspects coexist within your psyche throughout your life, illustrating the traditional Ego State concept.

Advancing this conventional psychological model, we integrate spirituality as a core principle, adopting the notion, "I am a spiritual being having a human experience.”

Our understanding of the mind is expanded to include facets that seem to possess distinct identities. This includes higher-vibrational entities such as spiritual guides, an elevated self, and positive influences from past lives, alongside lower-vibrational elements like shadows from previous existences and negative attachments.

When all these parts work together in harmony, you feel balanced. In cases like Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), these parts have trouble connecting and communicating, leading to challenges.

Spirituality: Bridging the Gap

By adding spirituality into the mix, we find a new way to blend traditional therapy with deeper, metaphysical insights. This approach helps us balance our logical thinking with our intuition.

It embraces the idea that we are spiritual beings living in a physical world, allowing us to see ourselves and our lives from a higher perspective.

This spiritual-psychological approach aims for a complete integration of our spiritual and human sides, offering a more holistic way to understand and heal ourselves.

House Model

The House Model: Understanding Soul Parts

The House Model provides a vivid metaphor for exploring the concept of Soul Parts, likening the complexities of our inner selves to the structure of a house with various levels, each representing different aspects of our psyche.

Higher and “Dungeon” levels usually require deeper levels of trance ( Low Alpha/ Theta )

Main, Lower and even Basement Parts can be accessed in a light trance ( High Alpha/ Low Beta).

Healthy States- Spiritual

Inner Sanctum: The Higher Self

At the very center, akin to a place of worship, resides the Higher Self or Superconscious. This entity embodies profound wisdom and offers guidance in all areas of life. This is your greatest Ally.

Higher self is literally a higher dimensional version of you, an over-soul from which your particular soul fragment originated from, so it's you but not you at the same time.

It's a presence that demands respect and honor, serving as a beacon of enlightenment and support.

Upper Floors: Inner Guides and Archetypes

The upper floors are home to your inner guides or archetypes, such as the Warrior and Healer. These represent powerful aspects of your Self and the Unconscious, acting as an inner council that aids in personal growth. They may show themselves as animals, people, energy, or something else.  These guides tend to feel separate and distinct from the self and Soul Parts.

This level might also reveal, when in a hypnotic state, spiritual guides and even loved ones that have passed over. Other evolved beings can come through. You may even encounter past life selves that possess positive attributes and skills beneficial for your current journey.

In-Between States -Psyche

Main Floor: Daily Soul Parts & Primary Self

The main floor, with its door to the external world, houses the 5 to 15 Soul Parts that take turns leading your day-to-day life. These include roles like Parent, Professional, Friend, Fitness Enthusiast, Logical Thinker, and Intuitive, among others.

Negative parts may occupy this Main level. For example, The Alcoholic ( Avoidance State)  may live up here that is protecting a Fearful part ( Vaded State)  and the 2 of them are causing havoc & disorder.

This main floor of parts may be co-existing in an optimal way or there could be strife, or even chaos. When there is order and purpose we can say someone is integrated and balanced. When this is not the case we may feel lost or confused and depressed.

The Secret- Find your True Self

True Self - Primary

The goal is to envision a future version of yourself, say 1-5 years ahead, embodying all the positive traits and characteristics you aspire to. This ideal self acts as your inner CEO, Captain, or Manager, leading with qualities like compassion, curiosity, clarity, and courage. The part of you who has a plan and purpose.

By embodying your ideal self, your True Self, in the present you can  fostering positive changes in your mind, body, and spirit. When this leader in you emerges you begin integration.

Once this Best Self is located its important to create a team of like minded parts and guides that will protect, heal and advise. Just like a King or Queen  would have advisors, protectors, healers and an inner council.

By connecting with your True Self and allow for this new Identity to emerge within you. By accessing this new reality you begin to operate from a new vantage point with clear insight and purpose.

Lower Level: Infrequent States

Beneath the main floor lies a level filled with Soul Parts that rarely take the lead but embody positive or negative  traits and skills. These include hobbies, positive or negative/habits, and seldom-used abilities that can step into a  main floor providing a leadership role or causing  trouble.

Unhealthy States- Psyche & Spiritual

Basement: Wounded Soul Parts

Below the lower level, envision a basement where the wounded Soul Parts reside. These parts have been hurt by past traumas, often dating back to childhood. They linger in this metaphorical basement, requiring healing and care before they can integrate with the rest of the house's inhabitants.

*Dungeon: Past Life Shadows & Other

Deepest of all is a hidden dungeon beneath the basement, where the shadows of past lives  and lost parts are stored. These are the remnants of past lives marked by trauma, pain, and sorrow, where harm was both inflicted and endured.

These shadow selves are concealed deep within the unconscious, waiting to be acknowledged and healed. When the heavy energy of these lives is removed or released true healing can take place.

You man also encounter other heavy energies beyond a past life.  Ancestral trauma that needs to be remembered, or even something in a lower dimension or astral plane.

Shadow Work

By delving into the shadows we can truly heal. Burying our fears we prevent  our current selfs and future lives from truly ascending. Like having a weight chained to your leg holding you back and slowing you down. When we have courage, assisted by our guides, this healing can and will take place.

*It is recommended that one seeks a professional Past Life Regression therapist specializing in past life shadow work   

Connect with your Soul Parts

By taking the time to dive deep into the essence of your being, where you're not just a passive observer but an active participant in reshaping the landscape of your inner world. This transformative experience is akin to upgrading the software of your mind and soul, allowing for a profound change that reverberates into your conscious life.

It's a personal exploration where you'll learn to establish a deep and meaningful connection with your spiritual guides, who are there to support you at every step.

These guides become your companions, helping you to tap into your true self and empowering you to steer your destiny with confidence and clarity.

As you delve into the depths of your psyche, you'll engage in a heartfelt dialogue with the various aspects of yourself, embracing the complexity of your emotions, habits, and fears.

This exploration is not just about uncovering past lifetimes for the sake of curiosity but about healing old wounds and discovering untapped sources of power and wisdom.

It's a journey that doesn't take you away from your life but brings you closer to understanding your soul's purpose. With each step, you're invited to imagine a future where you embody the best version of yourself, supported by a council of guides and soul parts, all working in harmony to integrate your spiritual and human sides. This is not just a session; it's a profound personal adventure towards wholeness and enlightenment.